Monday, June 27, 2011

a little more about us

mmmmmm, welcome to our life.

this is us. hi!

we thought it would be nice to start out with some more information about ourselves (mainly because it's midnight and we have no exciting pictures to show you right now).  we go to school here in san diego (somehow we are seniors) and when not in school we work lots and lots. em became a vegan about 4 months ago... here she explains a bit about her decision.

i love am completely obsessed with sweets. i could eat chocolate for every meal, every day--and trust me i have before. however, this does not make for a healthy diet (shocking, i know). vegetables and the like never crossed my mind. i was dependent on coffee and caffeine (i would have taken it in an IV if possible). i allowed myself to think that as a college student it was acceptable to eat like crap and not worry about my health until i was done worrying about school. but despite the constant coffee intake and sugar highs, i never felt i was at my full energy or health potential. one morning i decided i needed to make a change. i educated myself on veganism and decided to give a few vegan dishes a try. next thing i know, i was no longer eating any meat or dairy (eggs, milk, cheese, butter, etc.). i was a bit apprehensive because i am not the kind of person who can live off of celery sticks and diet coke. i want need my sweets! but somehow, it was very easy for me to make the transition--it was so natural! being a vegan has allowed me to use my passion for baking and cooking to create nutritious, vegan dishes that i cannot wait to eat. i am also happy to report that i no longer need coffee to survive-- it's wonderful how eating healthy can make a person feel. and now for an awkward picture of me (yes, that is chocolate cake on my dress)!

thanks for listening to my little spiel! -em

although erin is not a vegan- she has adopted a healthy lifestyle as well.

i have struggled with bizarre stomach issues for a long time and have definitely come to appreciate the benefits of a plant-based diet since em's vegan revolution.  i no longer eat dairy (99% of the time), and gladly eat ANY and all delicious vegan treats she bakes as I, too have an unbelievable sweet tooth.  i used to think it was normal to experience the symptoms i did after i ate, but have learned to eat things that make me feel good, inside and out through experimentation.  i also relied on coffee (which is a huge trigger for my stomach issues) way too much this past year, and now no longer feel the need to drink it all the time because i have so much energy from the nutritious food i am putting in my body!  i've learned to love tossing some spinach in my smoothies, the cake-batter-like effect of sunflower seed butter, and the crunch chia seeds provide - things i never would have learned to love before! 

"feed me!!!"-erin

our plan is that we don't really have a plan. we just want to share with you our delicious meals and recipes, any great recipes or health tips that we stumble upon, and our training progress. therefore, you will probably see many pictures of chocolate, us being awkward, and em falling down (she's pretty clumsy). we really really miss our other roommates who returned home for the summer. hopefully we can get some guest posts from the lovely ari and alyssa :)

tomorrow we shall start posting pictures of our food. we have an 8-mile run in the morning (oh, dear!) so we should get to bed. we plan on drinking a veggie power smoothie in the morning before our run. recipe and pictures to come!

sweet dreams!

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